Open letter to the Prime Minister of Japan

Your excellency,

I hope you arrived safe back home. That means that the pieces missing from your airplane (as it usually happens when an expensive piece of machinery spends some time in Romania) were not essential. Congrats to the pilots!

Now I know most Romanians apologised for our lack of attention during this visit. But let me tell you: you were so much better off without it!

First of all, you should feel lucky not to have met Mr. Tudose. Last two days before your arrival he was talking about killing paedophiles and then Hungarians.… So God knows what idea might have popped in his mind during your meeting… Lucky you!

Second, you should also consider yourself blessed not to have been bitten by our famous stray dogs (making you the second Japanese to have an unpleasant encounter with them – by the way, the first guy died a few years back, so, um… sorry!).

Not so many contracts signed? Well, that’s another great piece of news: do you know what happens afterwards? Do you have any idea about how long it takes for our government to keep its written promises? I’ll tell you: forever. And don’t get me started about paying its bills. You might change two Emperors and we maybe 10 prime ministers before you see your yen back!

Speaking about money, have you checked your wallet recently? Still there? Good, see how lucky you were? That’s because most of our most politicians were busy elsewhere. Elsewhere, fighting over who gets to run the country and release the remaining thieves still behind bars.

So stop feeling bad. By ignoring you, we actually showed you the best of us.

And try to look at this like it was a learning experience. You’ve just learned that there are worse, really way worse governments than yours – and you return to Japan with the proof.

That’s a priceless story to tell your voters, come next elections! Also, to scare your kids at night…

So practically, even without the business, your trip paid for itself, didn’t it?

Yeah. You see it did.

So….Sayonara, mr. Shinzo Abe.

And sorry.

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8 comentarii

  1. Plin de stereotipuri care arata dispretul autorului pentru tara in care traieste. Daca un autor strain ar fi vorbit despre Romania asa, sunt sigur ca nu am aprecia deloc cuvintele folosite. Textul nu adduce nimic constructiv si nu face decat sa raspandeasca si mai multa antipatie faca de propria tara. Inteleg ca e nevoie de multa auto-critica cand vine vorba de Romania, dar sa nu ratam nicio ocazie de a ne denigra tara si de a ne scuza mereu pentru ca nu suntem ca strainii mi se pare o lipsa de politete si de demnitate. Lucrurile nu sunt perfecte nicaieri, iar daca vrem sa fim exemplu pentru ceilalti, nu trebuie sa coboram discursul la o retorica de genul celor auzite in autobuze, unde fiecare problema este intampinata cu replici auto-compatimitoare de genul „asa suntem noi romanii”. Sunteti jurnalist, avem aslte asteptari de la dumneavoastra.

    • Nici mie nu imi place ce am citit dar totul este adevarat. Lucian e, inca, tandru cu romanii: nu aminteste de crima din padure. Da. Mi-e rusine cand citesc cele de mai sus, dar nu acest jurnalist imi denigreaza tara: taranoii din politica romaneasca o fac. N-am nimic cu taranii, doar cu taranoii.

  2. Dear Lucian Mandruta, I agree with you but you forgot to mention something: Mr. Shinzo Abe should also feel extremely happy not to have met Mrs. Vasilica Viorica Dancila! Unless her Japanese is better than her English…

  3. Ai scris tu si alti 10-15 de pe Facebook si spui ca „most Romanians”. Asta e mai tare si ca aia cu majoritatea anti-PSD care pierde de fiecare data cand sunt alegeri…

  4. Din comentariu asta eu inteleg ca il face pe ministru pedofil si ungur. de aia ii spune ca a avut noroc ca altfel il impusca

    Last two days before your arrival he was talking about killing paedophiles and then Hungarians.… So God knows what idea might have popped in his mind during your meeting… Lucky you!

    ce pot sa spuns, oamenii sunt ceea ce sunt

  5. ” De ce le permiteţi celor cu probleme penale să facă parte din Guvern?”” – asta este o ineptie . Conform legii – ce inseamna probleme penale ? –Exista doar necondamnare si condamnare – alb sau negru – nevinovat sau vinovat -conform legii. Nu exista asa si asa in justitie. Iar intrebarea reporterului face referire la cei urmariti penal – care au o ancheta in curs. eu daca depun o plangere cuiva pt ca nu-mi palce fata lui si zic ca a furat – acela va fi urmarit penal – nu inseamna ca este si vinovat . DACA este vinovatia trebuie dovedita in justitie de un procuror iar un Judecator ca condamna penal acea persoana. PAna la momentul condamnarii nimeni nu este „penal” – pt ca in lumea civilizata exista prezumtia de nevinovatie. DAca procurorul nu reuseste sa dovedeasca cu probe o vinovatie..ghinion, vorba ficusului, chiar daca inr ealitate persoana este vinovata nu exista Justitie fara dovezi concrete – dar aici ajungem la capitolul incompetenta justitiei, in special a procurorilor care este alt subiect.Asa ca sintagma „probleme penale”este iluzorie si lipsita de fond.„Ăsta-i principiul legii: Mai bine să scape nouăzeci şi nouă de vinovaţi decât să fie condamnat pe nedrept un singur nevinovat.” – James Joyce.

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